Mobile Suit Gundam is a televised anime series, created by Sunrise.
Mobile Suit Gundam was also later aired by the anime satellite television network, Animax, across Japan, with the series continuing to be aired on the network currently, and later its respective networks worldwide, including Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America, and other regions. [wikipedia]
Exclusive gaming wallpapers for the desktop background of the latest pc and videogames from Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Nintendo Wii
Monday, October 6, 2008
Best wallpapers of anime Castle in the Sky
Castle in the Sky won the Animage Anime Grand Prix in 1986. Disney changed the name from Laputa: Castle in the Sky to simply Castle in the Sky because Laputa is a rather bad word in Spanish
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind anime pictures
NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind is a manga by acclaimed Japanese anime director Hayao Miyazaki, which served as the basis for his 1984 film of the same name. [wikipedia]
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind manga
Miyazaki's manga version of NausicaƤ was written over a period of 12 years, with breaks taken to work on Studio Ghibli movies. Serialised in Tokuma Shoten's Animage magazine, the first chapter was published in February 1982, and the last chapter in March 1994. The manga has sold more than 10 million copies in Japan alone.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tango Video from Gotan Project they are the new Tango revolution.
Tango Dance Video with Gotan Project, they are the new Tango with edgy beats, cunning arrangement and style!Not only I am fascinating with Tango Music, but also with its sassy dancing style and sub culture.It has a cold air mysterious, primal yet sophisticate, and very very sensual all in one. How could one resist?"Gotan Project" is one of my most favorite band. I would consider them Tango
Favorite tracks from Code Geass R2 OST 2
A few days ago, I watched the final episode of Code Geass, what a great show!! It was one of the most interesting shows of this last year, with all its ups and downs.What I especially loved about this anime series was the music. Here are two of my favourite songs from the second OST that came out last week...These two songs are from Hitomi Kuroishi. In my opinion she was one of the main reasons
Environmental sketch process, step by step
Environmental sketch process, step by step. It's some kind of a hole or a tunnel.This one is just a quick practice study sketch to find some cool composition, shape and lighting, and get my hand warm up. It didn't really turn out like how I want to...too many miss strokes and unnecessary attempt to put things in, but I show you guys any way.Here is a final sketch: This would also be somewhat a
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